
How to Research Art Like an Archival Scholar

As a recipient of Pitt’s Archival Scholars Research Award (ASRA), I had the opportunity to spend the semester working with the Frick Fine Arts Library Artist Book Collection in the University Library System. I curated the mini-exhibition, Artists, Photographs, and Ed Ruscha the Artist/Photographer, which explores the artist books of Ed Ruscha and a 1970 collaborative art project called Artists and Photographs.

Dust and Dinosaurs: Agents of Deterioration in the Carnegie Museum of Natural History

“Your job is really cool but you're like really dusty,” a child says to me. They are right, working on the open dioramas for “Dinosaurs in Their Time” at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History allows me to get into the dinosaur enclosure and weave between gigantic prehistoric dinosaurs. There, I am diligently dusting every leaf, stem, and rock with soft bristle brushes. Of course, by the end of the day, my socks and pants are admittedly very dusty.

Clapp, Coal, and the Caribbean

Jon Krippe, Museum Studies intern at the University Art Gallery, Fall 2023

          What do an influential Caribbean novel, a Renaissance sketch torn from a massive book, and a landscape of Pittsburgh industry have in common? I encountered this question during my time as an intern at the Pitt University Art Gallery, where I worked on three different projects that utilized the Gallery’s space and resources in their own unique ways.

Exploring the Aura of the African Heritage Room

This fall I did my internship through the Nationality Rooms, located in the Cathedral of Learning on the University of Pittsburgh’s campus. The thirty-one rooms celebrate the diverse

Keeping Art Alive at AAP

Interning with the Associated Artists of Pittsburgh (AAP) this semester has allowed me to learn more about local artists and their work, as well as contribute to AAP's mission of supporting this visual arts community. I began my internship with a focus on programming and education but ultimately was able to learn about and engage with nearly every aspect of the organization's work.