
Reagan Harper

Reagan Harper is a senior double major in historic preservation and anthropology with a minor in museum studies. She is interested in how technology can be used to bring historic structures and galleries to the broader public that is unable to travel to them.

Rebecca Moser

Rebecca Moser is a senior majoring in the History of Art and Architecture with minors in Museum Studies and Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies.

Amanda Bartko

Amanda N. Bartko is a senior double majoring in Psychology, and the History of Art and Architecture, with minors in Studio Arts and Museum Studies. Amanda has become interested in contemporary artists and institutions throughout her undergraduate career, and has pursued both during her senior year in meaningful ways.

Catherine Battipaglia

Catherine Battipaglia is currently a junior majoring in Architectural Studies while also pursuing a minor in Studio Arts.  While growing up in Long Island, New York Catherine’s fascination for art and architecture began when she was just a young girl visiting New York City with her fam

Kieran Bell

Kieran Bell is a senior Civil/Structural Engineering student with a minor in Architecture-Design. Born and raised in suburban Philadelphia, Kieran was both imaginative and insatiably curious from a young age, leading him to believe that only a renaissance-man-style career would be right for him.

Kailyn Clancy

Kailyn Clancy is a senior and will be graduating this spring with a Bachelors degree in Architectural Studies.

Caroline Fazzini

Caroline Fazzini is a senior majoring in the History of Art and Architecture and Studio Arts and minoring in Museum Studies.

Esra Daghestani

Esra Daghestani is a senior from Meadville, PA, majoring in Architecture with a minor in Studio Arts. She has always been interested in art and science and found architecture to be the perfect mix.