Darien Pepple

Darien Pepple is a junior pursuing majors in the History of Art and Architecture and Anthropology with a Museum Studies minor. She interned at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in the spring of 2017, where she designed and administered two audience evaluations for the Walton Hall of Ancient Egypt. Last semester, she began conducting her own research under the supervision of Dr. Erin Peters. She is focusing on the ethics associated with separating African and Egyptian objects in museums and how display techniques impact visitors’ understandings of culture. Her research is centered around case studies of the Carnegie Museum of Art and the African Heritage Room at the Cathedral of Learning. She is a recipient of the Archival Scholars Research Award this semester, which has allowed her to work with professional librarians while rehousing the African Heritage Room archives. Darien also volunteers as a Children’s Program Teaching Assistant for The Art Connection at the Carnegie Museum of Art and hopes to work with educational programs or exhibition design at a museum in the future.