Frank Reichard

Frank is a senior majoring in Architectural Studies with a minor in Studio Arts who has a love for both the built and natural environment. He gravitated towards architecture as a way to combine his passion for science, art, psychology, and nature. His main interests are discovering how architecture can affect the wellbeing of an individual, community, and the natural world. As an undergrad Frank has been involved with the Young Preservationists Association of Pittsburgh helping to document historic sites at risk of being torn down. He has also worked as a biology research assistant doing work on stream health on the Snake River in New Jersey. This past fall he has done an internship field documenting and researching the history of a building in Pittsburgh’s East End, giving him an appreciation for the story a structure can tell. Frank is thankful for the broad education and opportunities that Pitt and the Architectural Studies program have given him. After graduation he hopes to continue his education in California and eventually return to Pittsburgh to live and work in the city he has grown to love.